Return and Refund Policy
You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to change your mind. If a product does not suit you or if you do not like the chosen color, no problem! You just have to respect the return conditions and return the product in its original packaging. Do not forget to fill out the return form by checking the reason for the return. This information helps us to improve our service.
Returns are free for mainland France.
Return conditions
All products meeting the following conditions can be refunded or exchanged for a credit.
Note: The initial shipping costs (“outbound”) are your responsibility. Only the value of the products (less discounts) will be refunded.
Products concerned:
- Accepted: Hair prostheses, fringes, turbans, scarves, breast prostheses, lingerie and swimsuits returned in their original packaging, undamaged, never worn or washed, within 15 days of receipt.
- Refused: Liquid products, cosmetics, shampoos, adhesive strips, etc.
Steps to follow for your free return:
- Contact our customer service via email at or by phone. You have 15 days to decide.
- Receive your La Poste return label by email.
- Insert the return slip into the package and affix the label to it.
- Drop off your package at a Post Office within 7 days.
- Once we receive your package, we will issue your refund within 10 days maximum.